Wednesday, February 19 2025
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Application Fields of GOST Certification

For any kind of goods, which are imported from other countries or produced in Russia, are the subject of certification according to the Russian Legislation.

For exported goods, these Certificates are necessary among custom documentation on Russian Customs. Most of the imported goods pass through customs by means of single delivery certificates which are obtained after arrival of the subject delivery. If the manufacturer has certificates for 3 years-serial production,there is no need repeately obtain any certificate, an approved copy of these certificate is enough to realize this mission.

For the domestic market, all the wholesalers and retailers are obliged to submit these certificates when they are asked by their clients and governmental inspectors. This is an another reason the necessity to have these certificates for commercial bodies. Even there is no right advertising for some goods if they have no certificates.

For any ordinary consumer in the Russian market, certified goods are more reliable than the others. To increase the sales depend on certified products directly.

GOST Certificates concern following product groups

- Foodstuff and Packing
- Electronics (Partially)
- Cosmetics
- Toys
- Textile Products
- Electrical Equipment
- Mechanical & Electro-mechanical Equipment
- Industrial Equipment, machinery
- Construction Materials
- Oil & Gas Industry

And many other fields covering almost all import products

Contacting us, you can learn necessity of GOST Certification for your products. To get the full list of products which are subject to mandatory Certification, please contact with us.

gost-r-obbFor construction business and industrial factories, any installation are subject of certification to get licenses for use this application.

Because of these main reasons, all over the world, the manufacturer-exporters to the Russia should obtain these certificates.

A sample of GOST-R for 3 years serial production. Please click on the picture for detailed view.

The certification is very helpful to compete with reproducted goods that comes to the market from abroad.

The products which are not certified, after arrival to the Russian Customs are subject to the certification. Mostly Russian customers solve this problem during the custom clearance of the delivery, but if this repeats frequently, certification for serial production becomes a necessity. Among Russian Wholesalers, non-certified products are not "adapted" to the Russian Markets.
The authorizition of Certification is applied by "The Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology" and other accredited specialized Certification Bodies and accredited Test Laboratories.

rst4<< Gost logo can be seen here. This Mark should be used on the products and packages with the Certification Body registration number under the logo.


Types of Certification Scheme

- Single Delivery ( Shipment ) Certificates :
In this case, there is an importer Russian Company applies for certification for an individual delivery. This certificate given to the importer according to the Contract and Invoice, for the goods of this delivery. For a different delivery or a different buyer, this type of certificate is not valid. Sample tests sometimes necessary.

- GOST-R Certificate for Serial Production (for 1 year) :
In this case, there is no need any Russian importer, certificates are given directly to the manufacturer for 1 year period. The products which are written on the certificate, can be delivered to Russia directly on this period. Sample tests might be necessary.

- GOST-R Certificate for Serial Production (for 3 or 5 years) :
This kind of certificates are valid for 3 or 5 years for serial production after approval. To obtain this kind of certificates, Russian Auditors (Experts) will come and check the production on its country. The products which are written on the certificate, can be delivered to Russia directly during validity period. Sample might be necessary. (we are able to simplify the question of inspection visit as far as we have an inspector in Italy all the time)

According to the Russian Legislation, for 3 years Serial production Certificates, Annual Inspection for production should be made by Accredited Certification Body every year.
We are able to avoid such inspection visit  as far as we have always inspectors in Italy
The Places that GOST-R Certificates are used :

- Russian Customs (Obligatory)
- Wholesalers and Retail Markets
- In Construction Business
- Industrial Production Areas, ( Factories; Oil Industry etc.)
- Industrial Service Facilities ( Industrial Kitchens, Laundry Units etc. )

Also, GOST-R Certificates are very effective in other C.I.S. Countries. The Countries that require GOSTR  Certificates : Russian Federation
The Countries that accept GOST R Certificates: Georgia, Adzerbaijan, Moldavia.

Ukraine : GOST-R not accepted, UkrSEPRO certificates are necessary
Belarus:  GOST-R not accepted,  GOST BY  certificates are necessary Kazachstan: GOST-R not accepted,  GOST K  certificates are necessary

Steps of the Certification Process

These certificates are given by the Certification Organs which is accredited by "The Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology".

1. Contact Us with data on your products we will answer you as soon as possible.

2. Your commercial requirements and subject products will be evaluated and you will receive a detailed quotation including all terms, price and process steps related for your GOST Certification.

We shall submit our quotation within 48 Hours by mail.

3. For 1 year serial production or shipment Certification, without factory visit, GOST Certificates will be obtained by means of sample testing and/or existing documents and test reports.

For 3 years serial production certificates, Russian Auditors (Experts) will come and inspect to your production system. ( In some cases it is not necessary ) This inspection will be executed according to the "Procedure of Production Analyses". There is an "Act" will be written and signed by the parties after this inspection.

For the most of the products, some samples will be sent to the Moscow for the necessary test according to the Russian norms. These tests will be done sometimes hygienic, for fire-fighting aspects, or some quality aspects. In all normative documents the necessary methodics for tests and their kinds are defined.

4. Your original GOST Certificates will be sent to your postal address by fast courier.

The GOST R Certificates can be classified as:
1.Mandatory Certificates : These kind of certificates are asked with Customs Clearance documentation.
2.Mandatory TR Certificates : Also for custom clearance for goods under new Technical Rules
3.Voluntary Certificates : These kind of certificates are asked mostly in domestic market.
4.Declaration of Conformity : Asked for custom clearance
5.Letter of Exthemption : Asked for custom clearance, can be issued instead of a Voluntary certificate



3 or 5 years with company certification.
It may be obtained for a specific contract with 1 year validity

Necessary for:
import the product in Russia

Must be issued for: most of products


from left: Gost R - TR, voluntary certificate, Gost R certificate

Note : please click on the pictures for detailed view



GOST R mark for obligatory certification
It might be called as traditional Russian certification mark. There are 3 kinds of this mark and 3 cases when you must use this mark for labeling your goods or equipment. First of all, you must obligatory label by this mark every item of your product which was certified in GOST R system and an obligatory GOST R certificate was issued for this product. In this case ID code of certification body must be pointed under the mark.

GOST R mark for obligatory declaration
If you equipment or goods were obligatory declared in GOST R system, such equipment or goods must be marked by GOST R certification mark without certification body ID under the mark.

  • GOST R obligatory mark image:obli

GOST R mark for Voluntary certification
If your equipment or goods were voluntary certified in GOST R system and Voluntary GOST R certificate was issued in this case you must use certification mark with sign ДОБРОВОЛЬНАЯ СЕРТИФИКАЦИЯ.

  • GOST R Voluntary mark image:volu

TR mark
In special cases when you have an industrial equipment or machines which were certified or declared in accordance with safety requirements of special or common technical reglaments (TR), you must label your equipment with TR mark. There is no difference between obligatory, voluntary and declaration TR marks.

  • TR mark image under new technical rules:tr

Note: Please check news page for updated info.