Wednesday, March 12 2025
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[Russian Federation Coat of Arms]

Federal Mining And Industrial Inspectorate
(Safety Regulation Agency) Of The Russian Federation(GOSGORTEKHNADZOR Russia)


PPC # --------

For the use of

the [following] equipment (machinery/machines and mechanisms, material)

description of equipment

OKP (TN VED) code                       The equipment is complete, TN VED codes are in
                                                                    compliance with the technical documentation

Manufacturer (supplier) the company          name of manufacturer

Basis for issue of the permission Expert conclusion by the testing laboratory ............
name of laboratory.

Conditions for manufacturing (use) [of aforementioned equipment]:

1. The equipment is to be used by the company “..............
........................” ........... on facilities of the oil and gasindustries and mining industries of the Russian Federation.

2. Technical Passports, operation manuals and service manuals in the Russian language
must be available.

Permit valid: until ...........

Date issued: ..........

[stamp of GGTN R]

Deputy of the Head of
Gosgortekhnadzor Russia
B. A. Krasnih
(signature, position, last first middle name)


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