Thursday, January 23 2025
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Came into force the new TR TS 032/2012 regarding pressure vessels. This will effect significantly the certification procedures for chemical, petrochemical and other such equipment. (pressure vessels, pipes, valves, boilers, industrial ovens, etc.)
Please refer to our DOWNLOAD page for detailed information and new TR applicable.


The RTN department regarding the permits to use was closed by the end of 2013. Now it will be necessary only to obtain an Expert Conclusion on Industrial Safety without the necessity to be registered but only signed and stamped by an accredited expert.


In Belarus the Gospromnadzor is still into force creating a duplicate of work for such equipment that required a new TR TS certification (Custom Union) and the Gospromnadzor. Belarus authorities decide to suspend the application of the TR TS for those equipment that require the Gospromnadzor until the end of 2013.


Came into force the Technical regalement of the Custom Union for Machinery and Equipment 010/2011, low voltage equipment 04/2011, and electrical compatibility 020/2011.
With the new TR TS (Technical regalement of Custom Union) will not be necessary to obtain the RTN but only an Expert Conclusion on Industrial Safety registered to the RTN.


East Certification & Service and Certiquality sign an agreement to provide to all Certiquality clients our service for certification.

This milestone in our certification history was achieved due to a large compatibility between the service we and Certiquality offer and will led to a more fruitful and convenient procedure for all our clients.

Together we will send to all our clients old and new a newsletter regarding all changing that we foreseen for the certification procedures in the 2013, concerning specially the new Custom Union Certificate.



The custom union between Russia, Belorussia and KazaKhstan, already signed in 2010, finally became operative also for the certification procedures.

From February 2012 became valid the first technical rule and so the validity of the NEW format GOST and HYGIENIC certificates will be extended to the three countries of the Custom Union EurAsEC.
Other technical rules will became operative till 2014 and the whole list of products agreed will be under this new certification procedure. The internal russian identification code OKP disappear and the products will be identified only by the Custom Code. The certificate form change and also the marking that must be labelled on the products.

For more info please visit the CERTIFICATES page and the PROCEDURES page from the main menu.



The Declaration of Conformity was extended to many other products, actually in order to pass the custom the new Declaration of Conformity is required even if old certificates are still valids.
For some products it will be necessary to obtain both certificate UKR-SEPRO and Declaration of Conformity



Coming into force the bew rules of RTN and GOST R for the new Tchnical Rules (GOST TR)

Subject: RTN permit to use, new technical regulation and law n°248/11._
The law of Russian Federation n° 248 on 19 July 2011 introduced some changes to the actual Federal law about permit to use issued by Rostechnadzore.
These changes had come into force since the 01 January 2012, but they are not so clear and even within Certification environments in Russia some confusion is experienced.
Some clarifications are necessary from certification authorities and also we would like to give such clarifications in the best way as changes have been not completed yet.
As usual, among all the rumors and the “opportunistic” suggestions,  we will try to point out the best certification pattern for our clients, avoiding any kind of carelessness proposals or too enthusiastic decisions, also aiming to avoid future delays and/or problems at plants commissioning due to hasty decisions during certification strategy definition.

First step is to divide all the products that usually require a permit to use by RTN according their custom code and description between those for which is necessary a conformity certification GOST R TR (inside a specific technical regulation) and those that simply need a “standard” GOST R or voluntary certification.

Every item that must be certified with a “standard” GOST  R or voluntary certification and is installed into an hazardous environment (under control by Rostechnadzore) MUST ALSO OBTAIN a permit to use by RTN.

all the products (even if under GOST R TR certification) considered as complex objects as process/production lines and/or equipments assembled in one or more objects submitted to RTN control NEED an RTN permit to use.

all the products (even if under GOST R TR certification) under boiler department (katlonadzor) control MUST OBTAIN a permit to use RTN.

all the lifting equipments intended for a specific use (not generic purpose) as metallurgic, chemical, petrochemical, naval etc. applications MUST OBTAIN a permit to use RTN.

all the cases different from the above mentioned DO NOT NEED a permit to use RTN but is EXPECTED TO:

  • it must comply with the industrial safety norms;
  • according actual GOST R rules, not changed by the new Federal law, all the objects that will be installed within an hazardous environment, must  be tested by a commission where a RTN inspector  is present;
  • all the objects installed within an hazardous environment and subject to industrial safety rules must be registered and taken into care by RTN before starting up any plant.

As seen above, AT THE PRESENT TIME, due to lack of operative procedures from RTN , we consider this as the best approach:

  • get RTN permit to use for all the mandatory cases as mentioned above
  • for all the jobs where RTN is required by the contract, apply for the permit to use.
     RTN will issue it according current procedure or at least release an exemption letter (detail that is still evolving)
  • for all the products not under RTN control and not requested by any contract, we identify different proposals for single plant components or if the manufacturer is not responsible for the object start up or according the contract the supplier has not to provide any permit to use  and if the manufacturer has direct responsibility for testing and installation.
    • Without responsibility of installation: obtain an expert conclusion approved and signed by RTN. In this way we have a statement that the product complies to the safety rules, aspect that is not officially declared by the GOST R TR and for this reason can be disputed by an RTN inspector, that should refuse to take in charge the product itself.                 
      This is a warranty to the final client against both the rules (still not clear as application procedures) and  any further claims about the product.
    • With responsibility of installation or the commissioning (engineering, turn key contracts, contract constraints, etc): in addition to the expert conclusion as above, we suggest to prepare and obtain the approval of Test methodic. Mandatory testing with the presence of an RTN inspector hasn’t been cancelled, so we consider (as in the former procedure) that the RTN inspector shall require a test methodic developed by the manufacturer and approved by RTN in order to perform these tests.

Finally we can summarize that the complete RTN procedure will be composed by 2 milestones:

  • preliminary phase, divided into 2 sub-procedures:          
    a. develop and approval of test methodic and performing of tests               
    b. develop and approval of the expert conclusion
  • final document delivery (those from phase 1),  application to RTN for the permit to use and RTN issue.

As in particular cases (listed above) RTN is no longer mandatory, thus phase 2) is cancelled from the procedure but doesn’t overcome constraints of phase 1):

  • develop and approval of test methodic and test performance
  • evaluation about compliance to industrial safety (expert conclusion)

We are afraid that due to lack of one of these two elements, many RTN inspectors will refuse to take care (and responsibility) of an object.
It must be defined inside every contract who will be in charge for these steps/documents, as it was previously for the complete permit to use.
That’s why we suggest our clients to follow these initial guidelines and to PRETEND by their supplier to comply to our suggestions if not requested to deliver the permit to use.

Until this transition period will finish we will  experience several complains and problems, Russian authorities are expected to make a great effort to clarify new procedures and timings.
For instance according the actual norm the only products not subject to RTN are those “piervii rasprastraniaietza na rinok” – distributed on the market for the first time. This could be enough to an RTN inspector to pretend the issue of a permit to use even if out of logic.



Procedures for obtaining RTN were strenghten due to a mine incident.
Now it is mandatory to write and approve a methodic of test, do the test on site (sometimes avoidable), approve the Expert conclusion and then apply to the RTN for the final Permit to use.
As a result of this procedures will take 5-6 months to be completed while the waiting time for the on-site tests needs to be added.
Please take care that no RTN inspectors are allowed to travel outside Russian Federation and so no inspection visit of equipment at manufacturer site can be considered as a valid procedure.
Renovate serial RTN, if the production doesn't change much, will not need an inspection visit.



The rules for Hygienic certificates changed.
Now products are divided into three categories according to custom codes and description
- GOSREGISTRAZIA (State Registration)
- DECLARAZIA SOOTVIESTVUI (declaration of Conformit)
- Letter of Extemption

Old certificates remained valid until end of 2011



the declaration of conformity procedure, already announced early this year, now is applied more often causing the custom to ask it instead of a conformity certificate Ukr-Sepro for many products such as boilers up to 400 kw, burners etc.
The problem is that the new norm cover only custom procedures and that other control bodies inside Ukraine (safety, installation etc.) still ask for a conformity certificate.
The consequence is that the manufacturer has to pay two procedures instead of one; moreover the declaration of conformity require a more detailed documentation in russian or ukrainian language and a mandatory inspection visit. We hope that this situation will change but actually this is it. For the products requiring a permit to use is still valid to obtain a technical File.



changes on the rules to obtain the extemption letters for the Conformity certificate. The extemption letters issued by the VNIIS organization are not anymore recognized by the Russian custom.

The new procedure in order to obtain the extemptin letter necessarry for custom procedure when the goods are certified under volontary Gost R required the following documents:
- descriptions of the goods in Russian language
- letter of request in Russian language on head paper, signed and stamped in original, by the Russian final client
- copy of the contract with the final Russian client
- copy of the invoice connected to the shipping

It is clear that this procedure cannot be done anymore by the sub-contractors or manufacturers, first of all beause it is impossible for them to obtain the a.m. letter.

We suggest our clients to apply for a voluntary Gost R (not valid for custom clearence) in order to satisfy the contract with their client and to obtain the RTN permit to use if necessary.



The technical rules regarding the Gost R conformity certificates changed on 15/09/2010.

Now there are two possible kind of certificates:
1) declaration of conformity
2) conformity certificate Gost R

The conformity certificate Gost R can be issued with three different procedures:
1) certificate Gost R (as we already know)
2) certificate Gost R according to the new technical rules (Gost R T-R)
3) voluntary certificate Gost R

the batch certificate of all the products under the procedure Gost R T-R will require an inspection visit (as it was for the serial production certificate). Obviously this will have influence on the cost of those certifications.

All the certificates actually valid will continue to be valid until their expery date.
The declaration of conformity needs to be registered by the certification center and after that can be used as a normal Gost certificate for the custom procedures using authorized copies as usual.
You can contact us in order to know which procedure is required to certify your products.



The procedure required to obtain the hygienic certificates changed.
Now there are two kind of hygienic certificates:
1) state registration
2) conformity letter

It continues to be possible to obtain an extemption letter for the product that doesn't require the a.m. certificates.



Change the procedure to obtain the RTN permit to use.
Now it is necessary to prepare a test methodic in Russian language that must be approved by the RTN authorities in order to complete the expert conclusion.

Moreover it will be necessary an inspection visit in Russia by the RTN inspectors after the equipment is installed.

This will have a signifiant impacto on the delivery time of an RTN permit to use.

The Russian Federation "Law on Technical Regulation", effective from 01.07.2003 will be gradually replacing the numerous certification systems. This may cause regular changes in the certification procedures. The transition period will last till 2010.

Structural Changes: GosGorTechnadzor (GGTN) incorporated into RosTechNadzor (RTN)
In 2004, RosTechNadzor (RTN) - the Federal Service for Technical Compliance, Ecological and Nuclear Supervision was created and incorporates:

  • GosGorTechNadzor
  • Gosstroy - National Committee for Construction & Housing Complex - now called Rosstroy
  • EnergoNadzor - Federal Power Supervision Authority -
  • Environmental Control - Federal Environmental Control Authority
  • Nuclear Power Ministry
  • Infrastructure

RosPotrebNadzor (formerly known as GosSanEpidNadzor) - Hygienic Certification
In 2005 RosPotrebNadzor was created and subsitute GosSanEpidNadzor.
Now only this organization can issue hygienic certificates.
Foodstuffs, beverages and materials/equipment in contact with food or skin (i.e. cosmetics, toys, food processing machinery, packaging material, furniture as well as detergents and certain household appliances) require SAN certification (otherwise known as Hygienic Conclusions). These conclusions are now more often a prerequisite for obtaining the required 0 GOST R Certificate of Conformity or a 0 RosTekhNadzor Permit of Use (formerly known as GGTN).